• Consultation

    First-time client? Click here to learn more about what to expect during your one-on-one consultation!

    45 MIN

  • The PRX-33 Peel

    Surgery-free facial rejuvenation with a non-injectable bio-revitalizer that induces a dermal bio-stimulation without harming the skin. Developed as a non-peeling peel treatment for children with scars, PRX-T33 is revolutionary for correcting facelift scars, stretch marks, and sagging skin.

    Applied with a specific technique, it provides immediate aesthetic improvement and deep hydration. Repeating the application once a week for four sessions enhances the aesthetic effect.

    It is suitable for men, women, and teens as a bio-revitalizer of the face and body, treating hyperpigmentation, aging skin, sagging skin, sun damage, scars, melasma, acne, stretch marks, and the prevention of dermal aging.

    30 MIN

  • Vivace RF

    Vivace RF Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that combines radiofrequency (RF) technology with microneedling.

    During the procedure, a handheld device with tiny, fine needles is used to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. These micro-injuries stimulate the body's natural collagen and elastin production.

    Vivace RF Microneedling is known for its minimal downtime and is suitable for various skin types and tones. It's often used to achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin and can be performed on the face, neck, and other areas of the body where skin improvement is desired.

    45 MIN

  • Depigmentation Peel

    Cosmelan MD is a gold-standard treatment specially designed to address common skin pigmentation concerns, including Melasma, Cholasma, age spots, and acne scars.

    This treatment features a potent blend of active ingredients such as azelaic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, phytic acid, and ascorbic acid. These ingredients not only work to lighten existing pigmentation but also inhibit the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots.

    The Cosmelan Peel Procedure involves two steps. First, an in-office application of the peel, which resembles a mask, is applied to the skin for 6-12 hours, depending on your specific needs. The second part of the process continues at home with the Cosmelan home care depigmentation system. The entire procedure takes less than an hour.

    45 MIN

  • Microneedling

    SkinPen Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a handheld device equipped with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface. These tiny, precise micro-injuries stimulate the skin's natural healing process, leading to increased collagen and elastin production. This results in improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and an overall rejuvenated appearance. It's suitable for different skin types and tones and typically requires minimal downtime.

    45 MIN

  • StemCell Therapy

    Commonly known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), microneedling is an advanced skin technique. The treatment creates a release of natural growth factors (your skin’s native regenerative proteins), naturally encouraging the rebuilding of your own collagen and elastin.

    45 MIN

  • Fire & Ice Facial

    Designed to safely resurface and rapidly rejuvenate the skin with little or no downtime. Helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving the appearance of uneven skin tone and blemishes, resulting in a more youthful complexion.

    45 MIN

  • Chemical Peel

    Medical-grade peels improve skin clarity, texture, and tone. We have several different advanced chemical peels to choose from to address any skin concern you may have.

    45 MIN